Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School

The kids were excited for the first day. They all have great teachers which I'm excited about.

Jordan is too cool for a picture. Actually, her grade just goes straight to the playground. With her in 5th grade she now moves upstairs in the middle school area. Yikes!!
David was home doing computer work? so he was able to go with each of the kids. They just love it when he can come to their school.
Karah is going to the same preschool as last year only it's in the afternoon for the 4 years old. A much better time for all of us. She will also be doing a preschool with some friends from church on Tues & Thurs mornings. Similiar to Joy School. She will be a busy girl. Hopefully not to busy. And Landon and I are just hanging out at home. He takes a nap now that it's quiet so I'm forced to stay home. Don't worry. I have lots of projects planned.

This is a photo from 2006 & 2007 first day of school. Wow! How they have grown.

1 comment:

The Cranes said...

Oh! That makes me sad that we aren't there going to Parkridge with you!